摘要:This study aimed to propose a way to utilize vulnerability assessment effectively in policy-making by conducting policy-related assessment of the thermal environment. For this purpose, a variety of indices concerning thermal vulnerability assessment were reviewed, and finally, 15 indices were selected. In addition, adaptation policies for climate change applied to Korean cities were synthesized and examined to establish policies for improving thermal environments which correspond to 15 indices. Finally, a framework consisting of five areas (improvement of the atmospheric environment, expansion of eco-friendly buildings, management of the surface, cool spot creation and revitalization of communities), 15 indices and 25 policies was proposed. As a result, 15 vulnerability maps based on the standardized indices and a comprehensive map with four classes were established for Daegu Metropolitan City in South Korea. Based on the maps, Guji-myeon and Ansim-1-dong were found to be the most vulnerable areas. Hence, the causes of the thermal environment vulnerability and the policies for improving urban thermal environment were analyzed in these two areas using the proposed framework. Guji-myeon was necessary to more actively implement policies regarding the improvement of the atmospheric environment, management of the surface, and revitalization of communities. To improve the thermal environment of Ansim-1-dong, active policy implementation was required in all five areas. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the effective establishment of thermal environment policies by policy-makers.