出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:There are many conflicts in the world and especially in Somalia and there are attempts on how to solve them. From the point of view our modern world, solutions to the conflicts are usually sought or left with the United Nations to put in place a peace keeping force or a modern super power state to build coolation of governments to bring a regime change. The study adopts a complete departure and tests a different approach so as to contribute to whatever existing knowledge we have on how to solve conflicts. The study examines the proverb as an artistic discourse strategy in conflict resolution among the Somalis. It explores ways elders use proverbs to hammer points during peace negotiation meetings. To achieve its objectives, the study adopts a composite approach combing Ethno-poetics and Semiotic theories. The study is about the Somali Proverb. The research is based on Northern Region of Kenya where the ethnic Somalis concentrate, however, materials were also collected from inside Somalia, along the Kenyan-Somali border. Thirty two men and twelve women, who are considered opinion leaders, were interviewed. Forty six proverbs were collected through field research and analysed. The researcher actively participated in peace meetings where live performances of the proverb were recorded. The results of the study reveal that he proverb is used to resolve conflicts. In other words, the study tests the role and significance of the Somali proverb in conflict resolution meetings. The study recommends that there is need for a more thorough socio-literacy methodology applied to analyse the functions style and performance of the proverb which include both verbal and non-verbal. Key words: conflict, proverbs, resolution, functions