出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:This paper aimed to articulate the negotiation skills of stakeholders in various business organizations in the United Arab Emirates, and its possible correlation with the stakeholders’ nationality, types of work sector, principal business interest, age, and gender. Descriptive- quantitative method was utilized in this study and analysis of the data gathered was processed through the use of a statistical software. Results of the research work showed that collaborating was the most prevalent negotiating skills engaged by stakeholders in the various business establishments in the United Arab Emirates. It was further found out that there was no significant correlation between the prevalent negotiating skills of stakeholders when dichotomized according to age, gender, nature of work, length of work experience and principal industry they were involved in but there was a significant correlation between the prevalent type of negotiating skills used by stakeholders with the work sectors; implying that their being employed in the government, private or semi-private agencies significantly influence their negotiating skill. Conclusively, various organizations can utilize the information gathered from this investigation to enhance the type of negotiation skills utilized by stakeholders that are expected to achieve the goals of various establishments and may strengthen sustainability and profitability outcomes to the majority of the business organizations in the United Arab Emirates. Keywords: Competing, avoiding, collaborating, accommodating, compromising negotiation skills.