出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:The present study examined the interactive effect of emotional intelligence on the relationship among sense of wellbeing & student’s performance in higher education sector of Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Pakistan. Using purposive and disproportionate random sampling techniques 200 students, from five well reputed universities of federal capital and Azad Kashmir were selected. Correlation and linear regression tests were used to analyze the data through SPSS. Findings indicate the wellbeing is the weak predictor of academic performance. However, when interactive term (emotional intelligence) was introduced, it moderated the relationship on academic achievement among the students. Findings suggest that emotional intelligence is one skill that assists students as they strive to more effectively improve their performance. This study has implication for teachers and parents to cultivate emotion management skills as by doing so; student can better comprehend their own sentiment and that of others and also can improve their academic performance. Keywords:Emotional Intelligence, Academic Performance, Wellbeing, Moderation, Linear regression.
关键词:Emotional Intelligence; Academic Performance; Wellbeing; Moderation; Linear regression.