出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:We examined employees’ emotional hardiness and intentions to quit employment in Nigeria. Data were generated from 118 respondents. The Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation was utilized as test statistic in assessing the hypothesized relationship. Results indicated that the psychological resources of commitment, control, and challenge dimensions of employee emotional hardiness had significant (albeit) negative relationships with intentions to quit. The study found that an increase in the dimensions of employee emotional hardiness moderates the intentions of employees to quit. We recommend management should encourage regular training of employees in hardiness, enhance good social support in work relationships, and encourage the use of effective stress management strategies to mitigate intentions to quit arising from such distressful circumstances. Keywords: Employee Emotional Hardiness, Commitment, Control, Challenge, Intention to quit, Thinking of quitting, Searching for alternative career, Desire to leave or stay.
关键词:Employee Emotional Hardiness; Commitment; Control; Challenge; Intention to quit; Thinking of quitting; Searching for alternative career; Desire to leave or stay.