The study looks at the three essential issues concerning the ESP classroom, the practitioners, teaching materials and testing tools, by reflecting on the publications of the ESP classroom three decades earlier and examining the current developments in China. First, in response to the demographic changes in the ESP practitioners and the inter-disciplinary feature of the ESP classroom, collaborative involvement of practitioners from language teachers, subject teachers of specific disciplines and professionals in the workplace was recommended. Second, with regards to teaching materials and methodology design in the ESP classroom, classroom activities based on learners’ needs and ways of teaching suited to prospective functions were proposed, which can be achieved by joint efforts of practitioners through in-class teaching and in-field coaching. Third, the ESP related course evaluation and student assessment at different levels were discussed, arriving at the conclusion that, beside international ESP/EAP tests, localized and specified tests that are constructed on the basis of proper balance of language knowledge and subject knowledge need to be addressed and adopted in the ESP classroom.