期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), energy efficiency is considered to be a crucial issue due to thelimited battery capacity of the sensor nodes. Considering the usually random characteristics of the deployment and thenumber of nodes deployed in the environment, an intrinsic property of WSNs is that the network should be able tooperate without human intervention for an adequately long time. In existing system various hierarchical approaches havebeen experimented, in which each approach suffers from overhead, hotspot and flooding problem. In this paper wepropose ring routing approach energy-efficient mobile sink routing protocol is introduced, which aims to minimize thisoverhead while preserving the advantages of mobile sinks.The technique forms a ring of nodes from the available regularnodes. Ring is formed with the help of certain radius from the centre, nodes closer to the ring which is defined by theradius is formed. The location of the sink node is found through a ring node and is shared between all the ring nodes.Then the source node with the data forwards it to the sink through the anchor nodes.The proposed system achieves higherperformance, lifetime and less delay while compared with the existing system.
关键词:Anchor Node; Wireless Sensor Networks; Hotspot; Flooding; Mobile sinks; Energy Efficiency.