期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Wireless sensor network (WSN) has recently become promising network architecture and is widely usedin many applications, including environmental monitoring, object detection, event tracking, and security surveillance.In WSNs, nodes in the area of interest must report sensing readings to the sink, and this report always satisfies thereport frequency required by the sink. Reliable Link based Energy Efficient Cluster Routing Scheme is proposed forachieving an energy-efficient and reliable routing path. It consists of four phases. In first phase, the cluster routing isestablished to ensure load balancing and longer network lifetime. In second phase, multipath routing is deployed withclustering to avoid network failures and congestion. In third phase, the path stability and energy consumption ofwireless sensor nodes are determined. In this phase, the energy consumption threshold model is developed andmathematical model of path reliability is proposed. By simulation results, the proposed RLEECRS achieves better endto end delivery ratio, improved network lifetime, less packet delay and energy consumption in terms of mobility, timeand number of nodes than the existing scheme LCM
关键词:WSN; RLEECRS; Multipath routing; energy consumption; path reliability; network lifetime; delay;energy consumption; throughput and end to end delivery ratio.