期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Wireless sensor network is a self-configured, infrastructure less wireless network consisting of a largenumber of sensor nodes equipped with specialized sensors that can monitor various physical attributes such astemperature, pressure, vibration and sound. The Security and energy efficiency is the most important concerns inwireless sensor networks (WSNs) design. WSN relies on hardware simplicity to make sensor field deployments bothaffordable and long lasting without any maintenance support. The Sensor nodes are powered up with batteries. Due tounattended nature of deployment, the sensor nodes cannot be recharged again. In this condition, the nodes mustoptimally consume power. An Energy constrained sensor networks periodically place nodes to sleep in order to extendthe network lifetime. Various protocols are designed to reduce the energy consumption of sensor nodes by keeping theantenna in sleep mode 90% of time, so that power is saved. MAC protocols are designed to vary the sleep time basedon the communication need. However, attackers use their knowledge of their underlying MAC protocol, to reduce thesleep time of the node, so that life time of the node reduces. This problem we refer it as Denial of sleep attack and inthis Project we propose effective solution to defend against this attack on a sensor network. The existing system isbased on Packet threshold analysis mechanism used for detection of attack here. The proposed system is based onChallenge response security using KeyGen algorithm activated to ensure the validity of the sender here and preventunwanted communication.
关键词:Wireless sensor network; Denial of Sleep attack