期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Transpose form finite impulse response (FIR) filter is naturally a pipelined structure which supports themultiple constant multiplications (MCM) technique but direct form FIR filter structure does not support MCMtechnique. The MCM is more effective in Transpose form when the common operand is multiple with the set ofconstant coefficients that reduce the computational delay. The implementation of MCM technique is easier in fixedcoefficient Transpose form FIR filter but complex in reconfigurable coefficients. In fixed coefficients transpose FIRfilter, area and delay are reduced by using MCM technique. The low-complexity design using the MCM technique isimplemented for fixed coefficients transpose form FIR filters and multiplier-based design is used for reconfigurabletranspose form FIR filter. The implemented transpose form FIR filter structure achieved less area and delay than thedirect-form FIR filter structure. The XILINX software tool is used for simulation.
关键词:Transpose form FIR filter; multiple constant multiplications (MCM) technique; Block processing.