期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:A file system (FS) is employed wherever to store and retrieving process is essential along with Naming,sharing and protection of files. Distributed file system (DFS) has transparency mechanisms such as locationtransparency, failure transparency, replication transparency, etc. Some examples of DFS are NFS, RFS and AFS. DFSis used for cloud computing based on MapReduce programming model, which comprise of Map() for filtering andReduce() for summary. In the dynamically varying cloud computing environment, nodes may be upgraded, replacedand appended there by arises the chances of load imbalance problem. To counter this, modified load rebalancingalgorithm is enforced to reduce burden off the server. The aid of open source Kerberos network authentication protocolis taken to handle multiple nodes in the environment. While retrieving the file from multiple servers, if any one of theservers that have the chunk part of the requested file was failed, the HDFS communicates with MongoDB and gives therequested file, from its own shallow copy, which is nothing but the duplicate copy of the original file. This paper gainseffective load rebalancing against previous algorithms and also availing the security by appending Kerberosauthentication to the user.