期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:An investigation of multilevel inverter based Distribution static compensator (D-STATCOM) withFLC in Power distribution System (PDS) for compensation of reactive power and harmonics mitigation. Cascaded Hbridgeinverters having several advantages over conventional swathing devices are low harmonic distortion, reducednumber of switches there by suppression of switching losses. The Distribution static compensator D-STACTOM is ashunt connected fast acting reliable FACTS device. Which can able to generate and absorb the reactive power based onload requirement in distribution system.It can also helps for power factor improvement, voltage stability enhancement,stability prpfile improvement and also eliminate the Total Harmonics Distortion (THD) drawn from a Non-Liner DiodeRectifier Load (NLDRL). Here D-Q reference frame theory is used to generate them reference compensating currentsfor D-STACTOM while Fuzzy controller(FC) is used for capacitor dc voltage regulation. A CHB Inverter is consideredfor shunt compensation of a 11 kV secondary distribution system. Finally a level shifted PWM (LSPWM) & Phaseshifted PWM (PSPWM) technique adopted to analyze the performance of CHB Inverter for the proposed scheme. Theresults are obtained through Mat lab/ Simulink software tool box.