期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This paper presents the enhancement of voltage sags, Harmonic distortion and low power factor usingDistribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM) with fuzzy pulse-width modulation (MSHE–PWM) technique fortransformer less static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) system employing hybrid multilevel configuration. Theproposed MSHE–PWM method optimizes both the dc-voltage levels and the switching angles, enabling moreharmonics to be eliminated without affecting the structure of the inverter circuit. The method provides constantswitching angles and linear pattern of dc-voltage levels over the modulation index range. This in turns eliminates thetedious steps required for manipulating the offline calculated switching angles and therefore, easing the implementationof the MSHE–PWM for dynamic systems. Although the method relies on the availability of the variable dc-voltagelevels which can be obtained by various topologies, however, the rapid growth and development in the field of powersemiconductor devices led to produce high-efficiency dc–dc converters with a relatively high-voltage capacity and forsimplicity, a buck dc–dc converter is considered in this paper. Current and voltage closed loop controllers areimplemented for both the STATCOM and the buck converter to meet the reactive power demand at different loadingconditions. The technique is further compared with an equivalent conventional carrier-based pulse-width modulation toillustrate its enhanced characteristics. The effectiveness and the theoretical analysis of the proposed approach areverified through both simulation and experimental studies.
关键词:Cascaded H-bridge inverter (CHI); MSHE-PWM; STATCOM; reactive power (VAR) compensation