标题:Storm Effects on F-region Critical Frequency foF2 and Propagation Parameter M(3000)F2 over Equatorial (Jicamarca) and Low (Madimbo) Latitude Stations - A Comparative Study
期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Using the simultaneous data from an equatorial station, Jicamarca (120S, 2830E) and low latitude stationMadimbo (220S, 0310E) during the low solar activity period from January 2006 to December 2010, a comparative studyof the average and seasonal effects of storms on the ionospheric parameters, such as critical frequency of F2- layer andthe Propagation parameters M(3000)F2 are presented. The results show that during summer the response of foF2 arequite opposite for the two locations after 36 hrs of the commencement of the storm while propagation parameterbehaves differently after the SSC for two locations during summer as well as in equinox. During winter the response offoF2 and M(3000)F2 are almost same but reduced on scale in case of M(3000)F2.The effects of magnetic storm onboth parameters are complex and deviate greatly from average behaviour for two locations.