期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:the construction industry plays a significant role in economic growth, both directly through its activities,and indirectly through the provision of buildings and infrastructures for the smooth functioning of businesses.However, the construction industry is highly challenged as 3D’s industry – dirty, dangerous and demanding. LeanConstruction is a new production philosophy which would bring in revolutionary changes in the construction industry.It is a way to design production systems to minimize waste of materials, money, time and effort in order to generate themaximum possible amount of value. Lean significantly contributes to the efficiency of the construction industry. Leanphilosophy is all about designing and operating the right resources at the right time with right systems. Two veryimportant construction tools are added under lean construction are the production control and structuring of the work.Lean Construction is also about gaining the control through coordination between stakeholders and the team membersto improve the performance, delivery and value for everyone involved in the project.Thus, the construction in “LeanConstruction” refers to the entire industry which includes owners, architects, designers, engineers, contractors, subcontractorsand suppliers. In current technological trend, lean construction has gained its importance significantly. Ananalysis of lean construction practices in Tamil Nadu construction industry has been made by certain methodologies. Aquestionnaire survey is used to collect information and data from the construction companies about the practice of leanconstruction techniques in the major districts of Tamil Nadu. It also includes the drawbacks, problems faced duringimplementation and wastes generated during operational process. Methodologies have been formulated to rank all theabove criteria and arrive at the required conclusions. Collected data has been analyzed in two categories, one by manualconsisting of three approaches and the other by software. Solutions & Suggestions for the major problems have beenproposed to minimize the ranked wastes from the analyzed data and overcome the barriers in implementing leanconstruction techniques.