期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:In construction industry, various parties constituting the supply chain come together for the completionof a single project. The companies which can manage their supply chain efficiently will outperform in the globalmarket. Supplier is a key component of supply chain since construction materials constitute over 50% of the total costof a project. So selecting the right supplier is an important strategic decision which should be well defined. Alsovarious criterias which affect the supply chain management were studied and their importance in supplier selectionwere studied through Questionnaire survey. On the basis of the RRI values, the various factors which play an importantrole in supplier selection in construction industry were also studied. The effect of supplier selection using the MultiCriteria Decision Making technique, AHP integrated with TOPSIS method is studied by implementing it in a realworking environment. The study results showed that AHP integrated with TOPSIS method is an efficient technique forchoosing the best supplier of raw materials which is most suitable for a particular construction project depending on thepriority of criterias or demands of the organization.