摘要:Using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and the Medical ExpenditurePanel Survey (MEPS), we analyze the health gap between married and unmarried individualsof working-age. Controlling for observables, we fi nd a gap that peaks at 10 percentage pointsat ages 55-59 years. The marriage health gap is similar for men and women. If we allowfor unobserved heterogeneity in innate health (permanent and age-dependent), potentiallycorrelated with timing and likelihood of marriage, we fi nd that the effect of marriage onhealth disappears below age 40 years, while about 5 percentage points difference betweenmarried and unmarried individuals remains at older ages (55-59 years). This indicates thatthe observed gap is mainly driven by selection into marriage at younger ages, but theremight be a protective effect of marriage at older ages. Exploring the mechanisms behind thisresult, we fi nd that better innate health is associated with a higher probability of marriageand a lower probability of divorce, and there is strong assortative mating among couplesby innate health. We also fi nd that married individuals are more likely to have a healthierbehavior compared to unmarried ones. Finally, we fi nd that health insurance is critical forthe benefi cial effect of marriage.