期刊名称:Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems (JAMRIS)
出版社:Industrial Research Inst. for Automation and Measurements, Warsaw
摘要:In automated working environments, mobile robots canbe used for different purposes such as material handling,domestic services, and objects transportation.This work presents a transportation process for multiplelabware with hybrid pose correction in life science laboratoriesusing H20 mobile robots. Multiple labware andtube racks, which contain chemical and biological components,have to be transported safely between laboratorieson different floors of life science environment.Therefore, an accurate approach for labware transportationis required. The H20 robot has dual arms eachconsisting of 6 revolute joints with 6-DOF. The problemstatement of robot positioning error in front of the workstationis presented. The navigation strategy with itsrelated systems is presented for multi-floor mobile robottransportation environment. A Stargazer module is usedas a stable and low-cost mapping and localization sensorwith artificial landmarks. An error management systemto overcome incorrect stargazer reading problemsis presented. Different strategies of pose correction formobile robots are described. The H20 robot is equippedwith sonar sensors and Kinect V2 to be used for labwaremanipulation and position correction. The Kinect sensorV2 with SURF algorithm (Speeded-Up Robust Features) isused to recognize and localize the target. The communicationprocedure between the transportation platformsis done using client-server models.
关键词:robot position correction; multiple labware;transportation; mobile robot localization; motor encoder;localization error handler; Kinect V2; grasping and placing;operation; multi-floor