期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:As technology advances there is an increase in the amount of data being transferred over the network.One of the principle challenge that is faced is security. Security is achieved by cryptography; cryptography is a study ofmathematical techniques related to information security such as confidentiality, data integrity, entity authentication anddata origin authentication. In this paper, a 256 bit AES symmetric block cipher is initially used to encrypt the message,the key obtained from the AES encryption is encrypted again using 1024 bit RSA algorithm. Similarly the decryption isdone using RSA algorithm to obtain the key which is used to decrypt the message using AES algorithm.AES is asymmetric algorithm that uses only a private key and RSA is an asymmetric encryption system that works with twodifferent keys: A public and a private key. Both work complementary to each other, which means, when a message isencrypted with one of them can only be decrypted by its counterpart. This combination of algorithms provides bettersecurity and efficiency.