摘要:Vygotsky’s name has never been so evoked as it is at the present time, yet the educationalscientific community faces an awkward situation. On the one hand, his works have beenused as the basis for certain socioconstructivist school reforms that he would surely havecompletely disapproved of (Vygotsky, 1934/1987, p. 211). On the other hand, the recentcollection of his writings (Yvon & Zinchenko, 2012) and other works (Brossard, 1999,2004; Schneuwly, 2008b) lead us to another interpretation, in which the internal evolutionof didactic content is at the forefront of Vygotsky’s precepts. Therefore, although it isunpleasant, we are confronted by different points of view on Vygotsky’s work that need tobe investigated and exposed. This article sets out to achieve that objective.
关键词:child’s intellectual development; school learning; interpretations of Vygotsky’s;work