摘要:This study examines the role of cognitive characteristics in the success in learning Russian,assessed through teachers’ grades and test scores on standardized state exams.This paper examines the relationship between cognitive characteristics, such as nonverbalintelligence, working memory and speed of information processing, and the resultsof the Unified State Exam for 11th grade students, the Basic State Exam for 9th gradestudents and the traditional assessment of Russian language learning.This study involved students in the 9th and 11th grades from four educational institutionsin the Moscow and St. Petersburg regions; 427 students were studying in the 9th grade(50.3% were boys) and 398 students were studying in the 11th grade (44.8% were boys).This study concluded that expert assessment of Russian language learning is moreassociated with successful test scores on the Unified State Exam (r = 0.71, p < 0.01) thanwith the results of the Basic State Exam (r = 0.46, р < 0.01).This study showed that at the lower and upper levels of secondary education, nonverbalintelligence is a significant predictor of success in learning the Russian languageaccording to expert estimates. In addition, we found differences in the relationship betweencognitive performance and success in learning the Russian language as assessed bytests. Nonverbal intelligence contributes significantly to individual differences in scoresfor the Unified State Exam in Russian, while the contribution of cognitive characteristicson the Basic State Exam is not statistically significant.
关键词:nonverbal intelligence; cognitive characteristics; success in learning Russian;Unified State Exam; State Final Examination; annual assessment