摘要:Background. The sense of agency (SoA) provides us with the experience of beinga physical agent with free will. On a phenomenological basis, SoA can be dividedinto sensory components (feeling of agency, FoA) and more cognitive components(judgment of agency, JoA). Both these components can be independentlymeasured.Objective and Method. A new method was developed to test the possibility ofpreserving SoA and its components in the atypical conditions of passive movements.Parameters of the participant’s movement in response to a visual stimulus (reactiontime, speed, and amplitude) were measured and used to control a servo that simulatedthe movement (executed passive movements). The scores on the psychometricscale of the agency and the event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded for variablemovement delays relative to the stimulus onset.Results. It was found that the FoA was not present under passive movement conditions.At the same time, participants associated these movements with their ownactivity (JoA), even when their delay after the stimulus onset was too short to be activelyreproduced. The somatosensory ERPs’ amplitude decreased for the expectedmovements, demonstrating an inverse relationship with the agency scores. The lowestamplitude was observed when movements were actuated by another hand. The resultscan be explained using a predictive forward model, since the FoA was not observed inthe absence of active movements. On the other hand, the ERPs’ data and the presenceof JoA with various delays between the stimulus and movement support the postdictivemodel of agency, where the leading role is assigned to prejudice and contextualknowledge related to the action.Conclusion. It seems that the “context pressure” of the situation, demandinga mandatory response to the stimulus, forms a cognitive prediction of movementswithoutfirm sensory representation.
关键词:action; free will; mental chronometry; passive movement; feeling of agency;judgment of agency; sense of agency; somatosensory event-related potentials (ERPs)