出版社:Economic Laboratory for Transition Research Podgorica
摘要:Entities from different countries interact through various forms ofinternational cooperation, integration, subcontracting, outsourcingto ensure competitive advantage, reduce costs and increase economicefficiency. The article is an analysis and synthesis of existingapproaches to defining the essence of outsourcing research and itsapplication in international. The article deals with the prerequisitesof outsourcing as a new form of organization of business processes.There are investigated and classified approaches to defining theessence of outsourcing. The hierarchy of objectives and motivesbased on organization of outsourcing is built. The practice of outsourcingduring implementation of international economic relationsis studied. Specifically examined the dynamics of development ofthe outsourcing market. Studied leader countries which provideoutsourcing services and major consumers of these services.
关键词:outsourcing;market outsourcing services;international markets;outsourcing of business processes