出版社:Instituto de Gestão de Desenvolvimento de Produto
摘要:In order for a new product to achieve the expected success, it is necessary that the author of the project’sdesign be able to offer a service with quality and in accordance with what the client expects. However, due to theunique characteristics of the services, it is difficult to measure their quality. Due to this difficulty, the SERVQUALtool was developed, aiming to quantify the quality of the service provided by comparing expectations and perceptionsof customers. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the quality of the services provided by a productdevelopment organization using the SERVQUAL tool. Therefore, through a case study, 37 of the studied companyclients received a questionnaire. The main results of the research were the validation of the use of the SERVQUALas a tool to evaluate the quality of the services of a product development company, the reliability dimension hasthe greatest discrepancy between expectations and perceptions, and the empathy dimension represents the strengthof the organization studied.
关键词:product development company; dimensions of quality; SERVQUAL.