摘要:The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic survey of the curricular activities complement in extra-curricular shift in schools in field sports and leisure developed in public schools in Paraná state. The registration information of schools (N = 372) of the nineteen of large cities available in DataEscolaBrasil platform (MEC), were analyzed using descriptive statistics using SPSS software version 20.0. The results show that five complementary project activities concentrated 40.5% of the shares in 9 fields provided. Among the projects executed approximately 1/3 are linked to sports and leisure (35.4%). In this field 64.9% of projects are concentrated in 5 modes, indicating a tendency to standardize the actions and the prevalence of sport to the detriment of other leisure activities. It was concluded that curricular activities complement in extra-curricular shift reinforce actions in support of comprehensive education and area analysis has great potential in expanding learning opportunities for students.
关键词:Educational policies;Full-time education;Curricular activities complement in Extra-Curricular shift;Sports and leisure;Políticas educativas;Educación integral;Actividades complementadas extracurriculares;Deportes y ócio;Políticas educacionais;Educação integral;Atividades complementares curriculares em contraturno;Esporte e lazer