标题:Institutionalization and organizational failure in Territorial Administrative Units in Ecatepec, Mexico / Institucionalização e insucesso organizacional em Unidades Administrativas Territoriais em Ecatepec, México
摘要:DOI: 10.12957/rdc.2018.32808 Abstract Usually, the creation, operation, and termination of organizations in the public sector fails to include organizational or planning elements; it also fails to take into account the citizenry and its key actors. This process is usually led by habit instead of rational guidelines, assessment, and planning aimed at meeting goals and demands. This conduct compromises the organization itself, its institutionalization process, and its ability to deliver benefits to the citizenry, which can result in its termination. The academic sector has paid scant attention to public organization termination. As a leading perspective, organizational theory can be of help in understanding this phenomenon by emphasizing the institutional approach and citizen participation; the present study used this combined approach to present and analyze the termination of Territorial Administrative Units in Ecatepec, State of Mexico in order to contribute with the theoretical and empirical understanding of this phenomenon (Flyvbjerg, 2006). Due to the nature of this study, a hemerographic research, as well as interviews with key actors of the municipal government, such as ex-managers of the units, members of the municipal council, and the personal secretary of the mayor, were made in order to obtain the needed data for the understanding of the phenomenon. Hence, although within the study a cartographic analysis made with statistical data is included, a qualitative perspective is predominant. Among the main findings, this study case allows to establish a recommendation for the public sector when creating, operating and evaluating its public organizations. Whenever the sector wants to foment the institutionalization process of its organizations, as well as try avoiding their failure, it should consider taking into account the elaboration of a deep analysis of the organizational actors, the planning processes and the citizen participation, as the theory and the empirical analysis have shown.