期刊名称:Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica : Natural Sciences in Archaeology
出版社:Archaeological Centre Olomouc
摘要:This paper summarises the results of an investigation from the former oxbow lake near the villageNáklo. The study profile (“Náklo – Under the church”) is situated near an archaeological site whichis important due to the presence of pile constructions and a deposit of bronze vessels from theHalstatt Period. The study focused on the plant macroremains and xylotomy analysis. Only a fewplant macroremains studies from lowland wetland sites are notable for the documented presence ofarcheophytes in central Europe. Our study confirmed long-term human impact and the importantinfluence of human activities on the alluvial floodplain vegetation, especially during the Late BronzeAge and Hallstat Period. Our analysis of wood enabled the presence of alluvial forest with dominanceof Salix, Populus, Alnus, and Ulmus to be reconstructed.