期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The main objective of our project is to help blind people to walk with ease and to be warned whenevertheir walking path is obstructed with other objects. In order to help blind people we implement a wearable glove toassist the blind person and give information about the obstacle in the path by using some alerts and voice feedback.This glove not only navigates the path to the blind person but also raises the alarm and sends message to the caretakerwhen the accident is detected. This message can help his/her care taker (in case when the care taker is away from theblind person) to locate the person using the received coordinates from the communication module of the wearableglove having GPS (Global position system) and GSM (Global system for mobile communication) technologies and theraising of alarm is helped to alert the care taker (when the care taker is near to the blind person). This glove isphysically realised by different sensors and communication modules (GPS and GSM) with Arduino UNO. Differentmodes of obstacle detection and alerts are provided by using various sensors to assist the blind person.