期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Retinopathy is a condition profound in diabetic patients, which contributes to 5% of the total blindnessglobally. The high level of blood sugar damages the retinal blood vessels by altering the blood flow. In the early stagesof Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) there are no symptoms and hence it is not possible to detect the disease withoutexamination. Exudates are one of the main signs for the presence of DR, which occurs due to leakage of fats andproteins as yellow masses in various sizes. If the exudates are not diagnosed earlier, it may lead to complete blindnessby the accumulation of exudates in the fundus oculi. Frequent screening procedure is necessary to detect earlycondition of DR. A major limitation faced by the clinicians is screening a large number of images, which is veryexpensive and also open to human error. In order to solve this problem a Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) isnecessary to identify the stages of DR. The aim of this work is to develop CAD system to differentiate the abnormalimages from the normal fundus images and also grade the abnormal images as mild moderate and severe.
关键词:Exudates; Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD); differentiate the abnormal images from the normal;fundus images; graded as mild; moderate and severe.