期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Tollbooths in India generally employ a purely visual system of vehicle classification. However, thiscauses a huge loss of revenue to the firms operating the tollbooths due to rampant malpractices and discrepancies. Theprimary motto of this vehicle scam identification system is to avoid vehicle scams occurred over road networks such asusing invalid number plates for crime scenarios and got escaping from surveillance. Along with this system enablesintelligent Gateway based Alert mechanism is used for immediate alerts on time without any delay and providescomplete failure free monitoring scheme at anytime and anywhere. In the proposed approach, License Plate recognitionis used, which is one of the techniques used for vehicle identification purposes. The sole intention of this project is tofind the most efficient way to recognize the registration information from the digital frames captured from camera. Thelicense number plate monitoring system comprises of three different modes to follow, those details are summarized asbelow: (i) License plate localization, (ii) Segmentation of the characters and (iii) Recognition of the characters from thelicense plate. Once recognized the surveillance system analyzes the result and produce the proper summary regardingthe object. So that we can easily identify the vehicle is proper or not. For all the entire system is helpful to maintain theroad network scenarios with high level of integrity and support