期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:This paper focus on review of Internet of Things (IoT) based Patient health monitoring system usingRaspberry Pi. The proposed system is based on Body sensor network (BSN) which is a core application of IoT. TheBSN consists of many sensors such as temperature sensor, heart beat sensor, blood pressure sensor etc. These sensorsare interfaced to the Raspberry Pi , which is used for monitoring the real time data of the patients and provide timelydetails to the doctors, thus the doctors can respond in correct time to the patient's health care conditions. With the helpof this proposal the time of both patients and doctors are saved and doctors can also help in emergency scenario asmuch as possible. The proposed outcome of the project is to give proper and efficient medical services to patients.
关键词:ECG; GSM; Internet of Things (IoT); Raspberry Pi