期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Hand sign recognition is garnering attention in the recent years due to its diverse applications. It aidsHuman Computer Interaction (HCI) which transforms the way the machines are operated. Providing reliable machineauthentication in HCI is crucial to allow secure access to the data. The main aim of the project is to identify theauthorized user by knuckle pattern identification, which is discriminative. The features of the knuckle pattern will beextracted accurately by using the SURF algorithm. The hand sign of the authorized user will be then captured toperform the analogous action. The contour of the hand sign is extracted from the image on preprocessing andcompared with the hand signs stored in a database. An efficient matching algorithm will be employed to find the closestsign related to the input posture.
关键词:Hand Gesture; Human Computer Interaction; Image Processing; Object Detection.