期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:The effect of vacuum on the parameters viz moisture content, rehydration capacity and protein contentof insect infested bengal gram and gram dhal samples that were stored in glass bottles and laminated LDPE bags, wasstudied. Vacuum was created in glass bottles with low cost gas filling device which was developed in JNKVV Jabalpurand in laminated LDPE bags vacuum sealing machine was used. The samples were packed with five insects ofCallosobruchus chinensis in Bengal gram and Rhizopertha in gram dal under vacuum for 120 days. The effect ofvacuum on the parameters of bengal gram and dhal were analysed on every 30 days interval. At each interval ofstorage, the significant differences were observed an increase in moisture content, rehydration capacity and decrease inprotein content in respective packaging materials. The observation found that moisture content increased with 8.467%and 8.367% for bengal gram, 9.567% and 9.433% for gram dhal on wet basis in laminated LDPE bags and glass bottlesrespectively. Similarly rehydration capacity of bengal gram and gram dhal increased with 0.237 g/g and 0.245 g/g,0.079 g/g and 0.08 g/g in laminated LDPE bags and glass bottles respectively. Protein content for bengal gramdecreased from 19.65% to 18.001% in laminated LDPE bags and 19.65% to 18.487% in glass bottles. Whereas proteincontent for gram dhal decreased from 17% to 14.925% in laminated LDPE bags and from 17% to 15.625% in glassbottles. Storage condition under vacuum in glass bottles for bengal gram and gram dhal gave the best results thanlaminated LDPE bags.