期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Extruded food product of rice, lentil and oat was prepared using 70% rice flour and lentil and oat floursranging from 5 to 25%. The feed moisture content was kept in the range of 8 to 16 % (w.b.). The bends were extrudedin a single screw extruder at selected combinations of barrel temperature varying from 130-170°C, die headtemperature (180-220°C) and screw speed (60-100 rpm). The prepared extrudates were evaluated by a sensory panelfor the various sensory attributes using 9 point Hedonic scale. Colour of extrudates prepared with rice, lentil and oat in70:15:15 with 12% moisture content and extrudate at screw speed at 60 rpm, 1500C barrel temperature, 2000C die headtemperature was liked very much by the sensory panel by awarding the sensory score of 8.0 on 9 point hedonic scale.Taste of extrudates prepared with rice, lentil and oat in 70:10:20 with 10% moisture content and extrudate at screwspeed at 90 rpm, 1600C barrel temperature, 1900C die head temperature was liked very much by the sensory panel byawarding the sensory score of 7.3 on 9 point hedonic scale. Texture, flavor and overall acceptability of extrudatesprepared with rice, lentil and oat in 70:20:10 with 10% moisture content and extrudate at screw speed at 90 rpm, 1400Cbarrel temperature, 1900C die head temperature was liked very much by the sensory panel by awarding the sensoryscore of 7.6 , 7.3 and 7.15 respectively on 9 point hedonic scale.