期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Gibberellic acid (GA3) is an important member of the gibberellins family and acts as a natural plantgrowth hormone, controlling many development processes, which is gaining great attention all over the world due to itseffective use in agriculture, nurseries, tissue culture, tea gardens, etc. A study was carried out using F. moniliforme forproduction of plant PGPR GA3 using a variety of substrates. Our study focused on low cost easily available substrateswhich were used for preparation of novel substrate for SSF. A series of experiments were designed with low costsubstrates like Citric peel with ions supplement (CPIS), Wheat bran, Sugarcane bagasse, and Mixed substrate (citricpeel & sugarcane bagasse). Upon HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography); 3.9% GA3 concentration wasobtained in CPIS, hence CPIS was detected as best substrate. The research assumes critical importance as demands forplant PGPR exceeds the production capacity and our low cost GA3 can fulfil the demand gap helping to increaseagricultural output and provide better economic return.
关键词:Solid State fermentation; Gibberellic acid; High Performance Liquid Chromatography