期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Since the advent of robots, work has been shared between man and machine. But, as robots becomemore technologically advanced and autonomous, they learn how to do jobs faster and better than humans. Theirprecision, intelligence and endless energy levels make them the perfect employees for a wide variety of jobs thathumans just can’t afford to do. A robot that avoid obstacles and allows knowing the distance from such obstacles to themobile robot was built. The basic system design till date consists of two ultrasound transducers placed in the front andthe back of the mobile, and the infrared ones placed on the sides. This configuration gives autonomy to the robot,allowing the obstacles evasion and avoiding the collision with objects around to generate possible escape routes. FPGAchip’s high reliability, good expansibility, easy to transplant and the precise ultrasonic measurement, obstacleavoidance will has good market prospects because of its high degree of flexibility, accuracy, real-time. The FPGA wasused in the basic structure to receives the digitized values from the sensors, formats the data and performs operationsthat will throw as results the control signals that will indicate to each motor the movement they must follow to avoid anobstacle according to the measured distance. The basic idea of this paper is touse Verilog HDL language to implementcombining FPGA chip with ultrasonic ranging module and control motor drive to achieve the automatic obstacleavoidance function and to add more transducer in order to enhance the application of the system by introducing lightintensity, sound detection, depth detection, temperature and fire sensing module.