期刊名称:International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology
出版社:S&S Publications
摘要:Impervious surfaces are the surface covered with impermeable materials and doesn’t allow water toinfiltrate the ground. When rainwater falls on such surfaces either it directly gets discharged into streams or getsflooded if no proper drainage is provided. This rainwater carries dust particles on impervious surface along with it andcauses pollution in stream and affects aquatic life. Such surfaces also result in increased water scarcity and surfacetemperature. Permeable concrete is a cost effective and quick solution to make a surface pervious. A permeableconcrete membrane is laid on the top surface and drainage pipes are provided within the sub-base layer. The waterwhich is collected in outlet pipe can either be used for non-potable application or else discharged to streams. Permeableconcrete pavements can be provided in light traffic areas, parking lots and pedestrian walkways. This paper deals witheffectiveness of using permeable concrete as an innovative solution for groundwater replenishment on basis of certainexperiments conducted. This is an application for sustainable construction