期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications
出版社:Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs)
摘要:The need to maintain database performance inSilterra Malaysia is crucial as data produced from complexmanufacturing processes must be recorded in timely mannerfor reporting purposes. Query rewriting using OracleMaterialized View (MV) is one form of corrective actionadopted by Silterra in order to tune its database, which isusually affected by problematic SQLs. However, whether MVsare useful in most cases of query rewriting is an open problem.In this paper, the flow of SQL query rewriting process usingMVs is presented. Steps to identify problematic SQLs and torewrite them are given based on DBA’s experience in dealingwith database performance issue in this industry. The resultof using MVs shown using real fabrication data in Silterrareveals that, even though most MVs perform better than querieswithout MVs, there are cases that require alternative for MVs.