期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications
出版社:Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs)
摘要:Image interpolation and super-resolution are subjectsof great interest in image processing. The main task behindany image interpolation method is to obtain superior highresolutionimages with improved visual quality, and recuperaterich texture and sharp edges using minimal calculation. In thissense, the aim of this paper is to present a new method whichis effective in view of high resolution quality, processing speed,and economic performance by reducing the amount of calculationsrequired to perform image edge directed image interpolation.This can be attained by operating in an integrated mannerimage interpolation using 4-directional image gradient informationwhich defines differences in intensities between contiguouspixels. The proposed method is implemented and tested overseveral gray images, and compared to many interpolation methodsin the state of the art. It has been demonstrated to be ableto obtain faithfully better results than the habitual interpolationmethods in terms of image quality metrics (PSNR, SSIM,FSIM) as well as the the perceptual visual appearance of thereconstructed images.