期刊名称:International Journal of Anatomy and Research
出版社:International Journals of Medical and Health Research
摘要:The lungs are essential organs of respiration and are situated in the thoracic cavity on either side of themediastinum. The arrangement of lung tissue into lobes by fissures facilitates the movements of the lobes inrelation to one another thus helping in uniform expansion of the whole lung in inspiration. The fissure may becomplete, incomplete, or absent altogether. In the presence of these major variations, the left lung may have threelobes and the right lung may have four or only two lobes. The identification of the completeness of the fissure isimportant before lobectomy, individuals with incomplete fissure are more prone to develop postoperative airleaks. Out of total 84 lungs studied, 46 (55%) were from left side and 38 (45%) were from right side. Out of 38 rightlungs examined, the horizontal fissure was absent in 10 lungs (26%) and incomplete in 24 lungs (63%). Completehorizontal fissure was seen in 4 lungs (10%). Oblique fissure was absent in 2 lungs (1%) and incomplete in 24lungs (63%). The complete oblique fissures was reported in 12 lungs (32%). Out of 46 left lungs, the incompleteoblique fissure was noted in 32 lungs (70%) and complete oblique fissures were present in 10 lungs (22%). Theoblique fissure was absent in 4 lungs (9%) Studies have recorded the importance of fissural anatomy in explainingvarious radiological appearances of interlobar fluid, extension of fluid into an incomplete fissure, or spread ofdiseases through them. Recognition of laterality of fissure in the lung improves understanding of pneumonia,pleural effusion, collateral air drift along with disease, carcinoma spreading within lung, postoperative airleakage in incomplete fissure and misinterpretation of accessory fissure as atelectasis or consolidation, andsegmental localization of the lung for thoracic, cardiothoracic surgeons for planning segmental resections orpulmonary lobectomy.