摘要:This research was aimed at investigating the teacher’s role in fostering students’ selfesteemas assessed by students with the objective to compare the views of male and femalestudents about the role of a teacher’s attitude and attribute in fostering the self-esteem ofstudents at secondary level. This study was guided by the null hypothesis that there is nosignificant difference between the views of male and female students about their teachers’attitude and attribute in fostering their self-esteem at secondary level. A self-developedquestionnaire was used as an instrument to collect the required information, data was collectedpersonally. Validity and reliability of the instrument was checked through a pilot run. Therespondents of the pilot study were from the population but were not included in sample. Thequestionnaire was found reliable with a Chronbach Alpha value 0.83. This study wasdescriptive in nature. All the students studying at secondary level constituted the population ofthis study. Keeping in view the total strength of the students in different schools at secondarylevel, 815 students of class 10th were sampled using proportional allocation technique. ChiSquare was used for data analysis. The collected data was tabulated and interpreted in the lightof objective. Significant difference was found as the respondents agreed regarding the role ofteacher’s attitude and attribute in fostering students’ self-esteem. It was concluded that therole of the female teachers was more effective as compared to male teachers regarding theirattitude towards their students in fostering self-esteem.