期刊名称:Izvestiya: Journal of Varna University of Economics
出版社:University of Economics Varna
摘要:This study examines the effects of income and income inequality on health inNigeria in the course of 1980-2014. The study adopts the ARDL Boundstesting approach to investigate the effects of income and income inequality onhealth in the long- and short-run periods. It was revealed that income has asignificant positive relationship with health both in the long run and in theshort run, implying that income is a major protecting factor against poorhealth. On the other hand, income inequality was found to have a significantnegative relationship with health in Nigeria, both in the long run and in theshort run.Given the attendant impact of income and income inequality on populationhealth, measures and programmes that guarantee adequacy of income andensure equitable distribution of income should be core components of theeconomic policies of the Nigerian government.
关键词:Income; income inequality; health;outcomes; cointegration; Nigeria.