期刊名称:The Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management
出版社:The International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management
摘要:Prosumers’ knowledge is increasingly becoming an integral and important element in businessstrategy regardless of the country. A major challenge for enterprises involves motivatingprosumers to share their knowledge. This problem is addressed by incentives linked to theknowledge sharing activities of prosumers. Previous research showed that prosumers are willingto share knowledge, but only under the condition of obtaining certain benefits, rewards orfulfilling other personal goals in return. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whichincentives encouraged and would encourage Polish and UK-based prosumers to engage inknowledge sharing with enterprises. The reported outcomes are the result of a questionnairesurvey that yielded responses from 783 Polish and 171 UK-based prosumers. The resultsindicate there are statistically significant differences between Polish and UK-based prosumers inthe particular choice of incentives that encouraged them and would encourage them to engage inknowledge sharing.
关键词:consumer; prosumer; prosumption; enterprise; knowledge sharing; and incentives.