期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
出版社:Shri Pannalal Research Institute of Technolgy
摘要:Phishing websites contains malicious web pagesdesigned by fraudulent people and attempt to loot personalinformation from users. Phishing emails are the messagesdesigned by the particular phishing website sent to the users inorder to gain passwords, account and credit card details etc.These phishing websites and emails harm their victim byplundering the identity and money. Due to this people may losttheir trust in Internet transactions. Detecting and removingthe phishing websites is really a complex problem becauseevery time the phishes are approaching with new techniquesand methodology. This phishing is done through websites aswell as emails. Many anti-phishing techniques have beendeveloped and many researchers proposed their algorithms tothwart the phishing attacks. This paper discussed variousphishing techniques and algorithms developed by theresearches and outlined their merits and demerits. This paperalso discuss the effective approach in dealing with phishingsites by gaining the advantage from the genetic algorithm todeal with fraudulent websites and implement through fuzzylogic technique.