期刊名称:Galicia 21 : Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies
出版社:Bangor University
摘要:This Festschrift in honour of David Mackenzie, Professor Emeritus ofHispanic Studies at University College Cork, was presented to him on21 July 2015 in the Biblioteca do Instituto da Lingua Galega, less than ayear before his untimely death in Santiago de Compostela on 26 February2016. As the editors explain in their introduction (‘De Nottinghamshirea Galicia’), which traces his life and career, ‘David foi non só un dosprincipais responsables de abrir as portas do mundo anglófono á nosalingua, literatura e cultura, senón tamén un dos iniciadores dos estudosgalegos no estranxeiro’ (10). Mackenzie’s publications (includingconference presentations and theses supervised by him) are listed in full(13-20), and his scholarly interests in multiple aspects of Galician Studiesand in medieval Hispanic literature, linguistics and lexicography arereflected in the seventeen essays that comprise the body of this volume.Although the essays appear in alphabetical order of author name, for thepurposes of this short review article, they will be considered according tothe broad subject areas that they cover –Literature, Philology / Linguistics,and Contemporary Galician Studies– and in approximate chronologicalorder of the topics treated within those areas.