期刊名称:International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
出版社:International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning
摘要:Effective and durable learning achievements can result from students’ engagement in their ownlearning. This study explored students’ perceptions of the mechanisms and processes through whichpeer and self-assessment can contribute to their learning. More specifically, the study investigatedstudents’ perceived ways in which peer and self-assessment can help engage them in their ownlearning, make them take responsibility for it, and develop their collaborative learning skills bypromoting a positive and supportive learning environment. Students in a graduate class participatedin this study. Results indicate that, according to students’ perceptions, peer and self-assessmentcontribute to their learning through effective feedback, a supportive learning environment, andcollaboration among learners. A higher level of awareness of course expectations and requirements,combined with abilities to identify learning gaps and develop strategies to fill those gaps, are themechanisms through which students perceived that peer and self-assessment promote their sense ofresponsibility towards their own learning. Students’ dispositions to work in groups can impact thebenefits of peer and self-assessment.