期刊名称:International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
出版社:International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning
摘要:Effective supervision in doctoral research is critical to successful and timely completion. However,supervision is a complex undertaking with structural as well as relational challenges for bothstudents and supervisors. This instructional paper describes an internationally applicable approach tosupervision that we have developed in the health and social care disciplines that offers structure, butis also dynamic and responsive to the needs of students and supervisors and aims to develop theresearch competency of students. Our approach called Solution Focused Research Supervision(SFRS) is based on solution focused approaches, adapted from Solution Focused Brief Therapy andquestioning techniques derived from coaching. This approach has enabled our supervision teams toeffectively develop focused research questions and decide on appropriate research methodologiesand methods. We offer the SFRS approach as a way of working that seeks to recognize and buildupon strengths, foster engagement and openness to learning as well as build trust between studentsand supervisors. The authors, from (countries deleted for peer review), are supervisors and studentswho have developed the approach and provide practical examples of its application