期刊名称:International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
出版社:International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning
摘要:This article reports the results of an experimental study that investigated the effectiveness of GoogleEarth and Wiki tools in improving the oral presentation skills of English as a Foreign Language(EFL) learners and boosting their motivation for learning. The participants (n =81) are enrolled inwriting classes at two English-medium institutions. The study employed the factorial mixed methodspre-test/post-test control group experimental design. The experimental conditions included theexperimental group’s use of Google Earth and Wiki dynamics in conducting research and deliveringoral presentations whereas participants in the control group were given the regular oral presentationand the research paper instruction. The findings of the study underscored the effectiveness of theintegration of Google Earth and Wiki into classroom practices. Google Earth and Wiki allowedactive learning with information. As such, Google Earth and Wiki improved learners’ oralpresentation skills and perceptions. Wiki visualization devices and structure could increasescaffolding and collaboration. Google Earth could facilitate critical thinking and true spatialanalytical operations. The integration of Google Earth and Wiki could promote student-centeredlearning and motivation.