期刊名称:Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering
出版社:IEEE Computer Society
摘要:We present Ovid, a framework for building large-scale distributed systems that have to support strongconsistency and at the same time need to be able to evolve quickly as a result of changes in theirfunctionality or the assumptions they made for their initial deployment. In practice, organic growthoften makes distributed systems increasingly more complex and unmanageable. To counter this, Ovidsupports transformations, automated refinements that allow distributed systems to be developed fromsimple components. Examples of transformations include replication, batching, sharding, and encryp-tion. Refinement mappings prove that transformed systems implement the specification. The result is asoftware-defined distributed system, in which a logically centralized controller specifies the components,their interactions, and their transformations. Such systems can be updated on-the-fly, changing assump-tions or providing new guarantees while keeping the original implementation of the application logicunchanged.