期刊名称:International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
出版社:Kassel University Press
摘要:The development of computer technologies help enrich the content of Eng-lish education and provide more convenience for English learning. English grammar is one of the basic elements and affects the expression and recep-tion in English listening, speaking, reading and writing directly. How a stu-dent masters English grammar has a critical impact on his or her overall English level. This paper attempts to achieve personalized check and diagno-sis of college students’ English grammar. by integrating relevant computer theories and learning theories. With the help of Visual Studio and SQL computer technology, we can achieve functional design and database design for personalized grammar check and diagnosis for both learning and teach-ing. The paper also completes the design of the question bank, learning fea-ture database and user feature database Computer-technology-based person-alized English grammar check and diagnosis system for college students de-signed and implemented in this paper can help students grasp English grammatical rules better, improve their grammar test and application abili-ties and increase their interest in English learning, thus, it has a certain prac-tical value in the college English grammar teaching and learning.
关键词:computer learning system; English teaching; English grammar; learning theory; personalized check and diagnosis